R | |
radius | |
radiusSquared, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
rankBottomY, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankCoordinates, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankIndex, WeightedCellSorter | |
rankMedianPosition, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
ranks | |
ranksPerGroup, mxSwimlaneModel | |
rankTopY, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankWidths, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankY, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
readGraphModel, mxEditor | |
RECEIVE, mxEvent | |
reconfigure, mxShape | |
rect | |
rectangleIntersectsSegment, mxUtils | |
RectanglePerimeter, mxPerimeter | |
recursiveResize, mxGraph | |
redirectMouseEvents, mxEvent | |
redo | |
REDO | |
redone, mxUndoableEdit | |
redraw | |
redrawBackgroundImage, mxGraphView | |
redrawCellOverlays, mxCellRenderer | |
redrawControl, mxCellRenderer | |
redrawHandles | |
redrawHtml, mxShape | |
redrawHtmlShape | |
redrawIcons, mxConnectionHandler | |
redrawInnerBends | |
redrawLabel, mxCellRenderer | |
redrawLabelShape, mxCellRenderer | |
redrawPath | |
redrawShape | |
reduceTemperature, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
refCount, mxSvgCanvas2D | |
reference, mxCodec | |
refresh | |
refreshHandler, mxSelectionCellsHandler | |
refreshTasks, mxEditor | |
register, mxCodecRegistry | |
registerShape, mxCellRenderer | |
relative, mxGeometry | |
relativeCcw, mxUtils | |
release, mxEvent | |
releaseSvgGradients, mxShape | |
remove | |
removeAllListeners, mxEvent | |
removeAllStylenames, mxUtils | |
removeCell, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
removeCellOverlay, mxGraph | |
removeCellOverlays, mxGraph | |
removeCells | |
removeCellsAfterUngroup, mxGraph | |
removeCellsFromParent | |
removeCursors, mxUtils | |
removeDragElement, mxDragSource | |
removeDuplicates, mxUtils | |
removeEdge, mxCell | |
removeEnabled, mxEdgeHandler | |
removeFromParent, mxCell | |
removeFromTerminal, mxCell | |
removeGestureListeners, mxEvent | |
removeHint | |
removeImageBundle, mxGraph | |
removeListener | |
removeListeners, mxDragSource | |
removeMouseListener, mxGraph | |
removePoint, mxEdgeHandler | |
removeSelectionCell, mxGraph | |
removeSelectionCells, mxGraph | |
removeState, mxGraphView | |
removeStateForCell, mxGraph | |
removeStylename, mxUtils | |
removeWhitespace, mxUtils | |
renderHint, mxGraph | |
rendering, mxGraphView | |
renderPage, mxPrintPreview | |
repaint | |
replaceLinefeeds, mxText | |
replacePlaceholders, mxResources | |
replaceTrailingNewlines, mxUtils | |
repositionValid, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
request, mxXmlRequest | |
reset | |
resetEdge, mxGraph | |
resetEdges | |
resetEdgesOnConnect, mxGraph | |
resetEdgesOnMove, mxGraph | |
resetEdgesOnResize, mxGraph | |
resetFirstTime, mxEditor | |
resetHandler | |
resetHistory, mxEditor | |
resetMode, mxToolbar | |
resetStyles | |
resetTimer, mxTooltipHandler | |
resetValidationState, mxGraphView | |
resetViewOnRootChange, mxGraph | |
resize | |
resizeCell | |
resizeCells, mxGraph | |
resizeChildCells, mxGraph | |
resizeContainer, mxGraph | |
resizeEnabled, mxSwimlaneManager | |
resizeHeight, mxDivResizer | |
resizeLast, mxStackLayout | |
resizeParent | |
resizeParentMax, mxStackLayout | |
resizeSwimlane, mxSwimlaneManager | |
resizeVertices, mxPartitionLayout | |
resizeWidth, mxDivResizer | |
resolve, mxCellPath | |
resolveColor, mxCellRenderer | |
resources, mxResources | |
resourcesEncoded, mxResources | |
restore | |
restoreClone, mxGraphModel | |
RESUME, mxEvent | |
revalidate, mxGraphView | |
revalidateState, mxCellStatePreview | |
reverse, mxObjectCodec | |
reversePortConstraints, mxUtils | |
RhombusPerimeter, mxPerimeter | |
root | |
ROOT | |
rootChanged, mxGraphModel | |
roots | |
rootx, mxRadialTreeLayout | |
rooty, mxRadialTreeLayout | |
rotate | |
rotate90, mxRectangle | |
rotateCell, mxVertexHandler | |
rotateClick, mxVertexHandler | |
rotatedHtmlBackground, mxVmlCanvas2D | |
rotateHtml, mxAbstractCanvas2D | |
rotateLabelBounds, mxCellRenderer | |
rotatePoint | |
rotateVertex, mxVertexHandler | |
rotationCursor, mxVertexHandler | |
rotationEnabled | |
rotationHandleVSpacing, mxVertexHandler | |
rotationRaster, mxVertexHandler | |
roundAngle, mxVertexHandler | |
rounded, mxGuide | |
roundLength | |
roundrect | |
route, mxParallelEdgeLayout | |
row, mxRadialTreeLayout | |
rowMaxCenX, mxRadialTreeLayout | |
rowMaxX, mxRadialTreeLayout | |
rowMinCenX, mxRadialTreeLayout | |
rowMinX, mxRadialTreeLayout | |
rowRadi, mxRadialTreeLayout | |
rtrim, mxUtils | |
run |
Integer specifying the size of the radius.
The approximate radius of each cell, nodes only.
The approximate radius squared of each cell, nodes only.
Internal cache of bottom-most value of Y for each rank
Sets up the layout in an initial positioning.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankCoordinates = function( rankValue, graph, model )
The index this cell is in the model rank.
Performs median minimisation over one rank.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankMedianPosition = function( rankValue, model, nextRankValue )
Mapping from rank number to actual rank
Mapping from rank number to actual rank
An array of the number of ranks within each swimlane
Internal cache of top-most values of Y for each rank
The width of all the ranks
The Y-coordinate of all the ranks
Reads the specified XML node into the existing graph model and resets the command history and modified state.
mxEditor.prototype.readGraphModel = function ( node )
Specifies the event name for receive.
RECEIVE: 'receive'
Reconfigures this shape.
mxShape.prototype.reconfigure = function()
Private helper function to create SVG elements
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.rect = function( x, y, w, h )
Sets the current path to a rectangle.
mxVmlCanvas2D.prototype.rect = function( x, y, w, h )
Puts a rectangle into the drawing buffer.
mxXmlCanvas2D.prototype.rect = function( x, y, w, h )
Defines the rounding factor for rounded rectangles in percent between 0 and 1.
Returns true if the given rectangle intersects the given segment.
rectangleIntersectsSegment: function( bounds, p1, p2 )
Describes a rectangular perimeter for the given bounds.
RectanglePerimeter: function ( bounds, vertex, next, orthogonal )
Specifies the return value for isRecursiveResize.
Redirects the mouse events from the given DOM node to the graph dispatch loop using the event and given state as event arguments.
redirectMouseEvents: function( node, graph, state, down, move, up, dblClick )
Redo the last change in graph.
mxEditor.prototype.redo = function ()
Redoes all changes in this edit.
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.redo = function()
Redoes the last change.
mxUndoManager.prototype.redo = function()
Specifies the event name for redo.
REDO: 'redo'
Specifies if this edit has been redone.
Overridden to invoke refresh before the redraw.
mxEdgeSegmentHandler.prototype.redraw = function()
Updates the bounds or points and scale of the shapes for the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redraw = function( state, force, rendering )
Transfers the focus to the given state as a source or target terminal.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.redraw = function()
Redraws the preview, and the bends- and label control points.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.redraw = function()
Renders the shape for this handle.
mxHandle.prototype.redraw = function()
Overrides mxShape.redraw to preserve the aspect ratio of images.
mxImageShape.prototype.redrawHtmlShape = function()
Reconfigures this shape.
mxLabel.prototype.redraw = function()
Creates and returns the SVG node(s) to represent this shape.
mxShape.prototype.redraw = function()
Renders the text using the given DOM nodes.
mxText.prototype.redraw = function()
Redraws the handles and the preview.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.redraw = function()
Updates the bounds and redraws the background image.
mxGraphView.prototype.redrawBackgroundImage = function( backgroundImage, bg )
Redraws the overlays for the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawCellOverlays = function( state, forced )
Redraws the control for the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawControl = function( state, forced )
Redraws the handles.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.redrawHandles = function()
Redraws the handles.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.redrawHandles = function()
Allow optimization by replacing VML with HTML.
mxShape.prototype.redrawHtmlShape = function()
Generic background painting implementation.
mxLabel.prototype.redrawHtmlShape = function()
Updates the HTML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxText.prototype.redrawHtmlShape = function()
Redraws the given array of mxImageShapes.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.redrawIcons = function( icons, state )
Updates the position of the custom bends.
mxEdgeSegmentHandler.prototype.redrawInnerBends = function( p0, pe )
Updates and redraws the inner bends.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.redrawInnerBends = function( p0, pe )
Updates and redraws the inner bends.
mxElbowEdgeHandler.prototype.redrawInnerBends = function( p0, pe )
Redraws the label for the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawLabel = function( state, forced )
Called to invoked redraw on the given text shape.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawLabelShape = function( shape )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxActor.prototype.redrawPath = function( c, x, y, w, h )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxCloud.prototype.redrawPath = function( c, x, y, w, h )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxHexagon.prototype.redrawPath = function( c, x, y, w, h )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxTriangle.prototype.redrawPath = function( c, x, y, w, h )
Redraws the shape for the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawShape = function( state, force, rendering )
Updates the SVG or VML shape.
mxShape.prototype.redrawShape = function()
Reduces the temperature of the layout from an initial setting in a linear fashion to zero.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.reduceTemperature = function()
Local counter for references in SVG export.
Hook for subclassers to implement a custom method for retrieving IDs from objects.
mxCodec.prototype.reference = function( obj )
Refreshes the bends of this handler.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.refresh = function()
Clears all cell states or the states for the hierarchy starting at the given cell and validates the graph.
mxGraph.prototype.refresh = function( cell )
Clears the view if currentRoot is not null and revalidates.
mxGraphView.prototype.refresh = function()
Invokes update and revalidate the outline.
mxOutline.prototype.refresh = function()
Reloads or updates all handlers.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.refresh = function()
Specifies the event name for refresh.
REFRESH: 'refresh'
Keeps a reference to an event listener for later removal.
Updates the contents of the tasks window using createTasks.
mxEditor.prototype.refreshTasks = function ( div )
Registers a new codec and associates the name of the template constructor in the codec with the codec object.
register: function( codec )
Registers the given constructor under the specified key in this instance of the renderer.
mxCellRenderer.registerShape = function( key, shape )
Specifies if the coordinates in the geometry are to be interpreted as relative coordinates.
Returns 1 if the given point on the right side of the segment, 0 if its on the segment, and -1 if the point is on the left side of the segment.
relativeCcw: function( x1, y1, x2, y2, px, py )
Removes the known listeners from the given DOM node and its descendants.
release: function( element )
Paints the line shape.
mxShape.prototype.releaseSvgGradients = function( grads )
Removes the child at the specified index from the child array and returns the child that was removed.
mxCell.prototype.remove = function( index )
Removes the value for the given key and returns the value that has been removed.
mxDictionary.prototype.remove = function( key )
Removes the specified cell from the model using mxChildChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.remove = function( cell )
Removes all occurrences of the given object in the given array or object.
remove: function( obj, array )
Specifies the event name for remove.
REMOVE: 'remove'
Specifies the event name for removeCells.
REMOVE_CELLS: 'removeCells'
Specifies the event name for removeCellsFromParent.
REMOVE_CELLS_FROM_PARENT: 'removeCellsFromParent'
Specifies the event name for removeOverlay.
REMOVE_OVERLAY: 'removeOverlay'
Removes all listeners from the given element.
removeAllListeners: function( element )
Removes all stylenames from the given style and returns the updated style.
removeAllStylenames: function( style )
Removes the specified mxCell from the selection and fires a select event for the remaining cells.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.removeCell = function( cell )
Removes and returns the given mxCellOverlay from the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellOverlay = function( cell, overlay )
Removes all mxCellOverlays from the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellOverlays = function( cell )
Hook to remove the given cells from the given graph after a cut operation.
removeCells: function( graph, cells )
Removes the given cells from the graph including all connected edges if includeEdges is true.
mxGraph.prototype.removeCells = function( cells, includeEdges )
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.removeCells = function( cells )
Hook to remove the groups after ungroupCells.
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellsAfterUngroup = function( cells )
Removes the specified cells from their parents and adds them to the default parent.
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellsFromParent = function( cells )
Specifies if cells may be moved out of their parents.
Removes the cursors from the style of the given DOM node and its descendants.
removeCursors: function( element )
Removes and destroys the dragElement.
mxDragSource.prototype.removeDragElement = function()
Removes all duplicates from the given array.
removeDuplicates: function( arr )
Removes the specified edge from the edge array and returns the edge.
mxCell.prototype.removeEdge = function( edge, isOutgoing )
Specifies if removing bends by shift-click is enabled.
Removes the cell from its parent.
mxCell.prototype.removeFromParent = function()
Removes the edge from its source or target terminal.
mxCell.prototype.removeFromTerminal = function( isSource )
Removes the given listeners from mousedown, mousemove, mouseup and the respective touch events if mxClient.IS_TOUCH is true.
removeGestureListeners: function( node, startListener, moveListener, endListener )
Hooks for subclassers to hide details when the handler gets inactive.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.removeHint = function()
Hooks for subclassers to hide details when the handler gets inactive.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.removeHint = function()
Hooks for subclassers to hide details when the handler gets inactive.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.removeHint = function()
Removes the specified mxImageBundle.
mxGraph.prototype.removeImageBundle = function( bundle )
Removes the specified listener from the given element.
removeListener: function()
Removes all occurrences of the given listener from eventListeners.
mxEventSource.prototype.removeListener = function( funct )
Actives the given graph as a drop target.
mxDragSource.prototype.removeListeners = function()
Removes the specified graph listener.
mxGraph.prototype.removeMouseListener = function( listener )
Removes the control point at the given index from the given state.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.removePoint = function( state, index )
Removes the given cell from the selection.
mxGraph.prototype.removeSelectionCell = function( cell )
Removes the given cells from the selection.
mxGraph.prototype.removeSelectionCells = function( cells )
Removes and returns the mxCellState for the given cell.
mxGraphView.prototype.removeState = function( cell )
Removes all cached information for the given cell and its descendants.
mxGraph.prototype.removeStateForCell = function( cell )
Removes all occurrences of the specified stylename in the given style and returns the updated style.
removeStylename: function( style, stylename )
Removes the sibling text nodes for the given node that only consists of tabs, newlines and spaces.
removeWhitespace: function( node, before )
RenderHint as it was passed to the constructor.
Specifies if shapes should be created, updated and destroyed using the methods of mxCellRenderer in graph.
Defines the exact rendering hint.
Defines the faster rendering hint.
Defines the fastest rendering hint.
Creates a DIV that prints a single page of the given graph using the given scale and returns the DIV that represents the page.
mxPrintPreview.prototype.renderPage = function( w, h, dx, dy, content, pageNumber )
Computes the bounding box and updates the style of the div.
mxRubberband.prototype.repaint = function()
Specifies if linefeeds in HTML labels should be replaced with BR tags.
Replaces the given placeholders with the given parameters.
replacePlaceholders: function( value, params )
Replaces each trailing newline with the given pattern.
replaceTrailingNewlines: function( str, pattern )
Determines whether or not a node may be moved to the specified x position on the specified rank
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.repositionValid = function( model, cell, rank, position )
Holds the inner, browser-specific request object.
Resets the state of this canvas.
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.reset = function()
Resets all counters.
mxAutoSaveManager.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of the cell marker.
mxCellMarker.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handler.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handler.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Stops and removes everything and restores the state of the object.
mxDragSource.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handler.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handler.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handle by setting its visibility to true.
mxHandle.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of the rubberband selection.
mxRubberband.prototype.reset = function()
Resets all handlers.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Returns any offsets for rendering pixels.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.reset = function()
Resets and/or restarts the timer to trigger the display of the tooltip.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.reset = function( me, restart, state )
Resets the state of this handler.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Specifies the event name for reset.
RESET: 'reset'
Resets the control points of the given edge.
mxGraph.prototype.resetEdge = function( edge )
Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed.
Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed.
Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed.
Resets the control points of the edges that are connected to the given cells if not both ends of the edge are in the given cells array.
mxGraph.prototype.resetEdges = function( cells )
Specifies if edge control points should be reset after the the edge has been reconnected.
Specifies if edge control points should be reset after the move of a connected cell.
Specifies if edge control points should be reset after the resize of a connected cell.
Resets the cookie that is used to remember if the editor has already been used.
mxEditor.prototype.resetFirstTime = function ()
Holds the handler that automatically invokes reset if the highlight should be hidden.
Reference to the function used to reset the toolbar.
Resets the command history, modified state and counters.
mxEditor.prototype.resetHistory = function ()
Selects the default mode and resets the state of the previously selected mode.
mxToolbar.prototype.resetMode = function( forced )
Overrides mxShape to reset spacing.
Resets all styles.
mxShape.prototype.resetStyles = function()
Resets all styles.
mxText.prototype.resetStyles = function()
Resets the timer.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.resetTimer = function()
Resets the current validation state.
mxGraphView.prototype.resetValidationState = function()
Specifies if the scale and translate should be reset if the root changes in the model.
Returns modified.
mxCellEditor.prototype.resize = function()
Updates the style of the DIV after the window has been resized.
mxDivResizer.prototype.resize = function()
Specifies the event name for resize.
RESIZE: 'resize'
Specifies the event name for resizeCells.
RESIZE_CELLS: 'resizeCells'
Specifies the event name for resizeEnd.
RESIZE_END: 'resizeEnd'
Specifies the event name for resizeStart.
RESIZE_START: 'resizeStart'
Sets the bounds of the given cell using resizeCells.
mxGraph.prototype.resizeCell = function( cell, bounds, recurse )
Uses the given vector to change the bounds of the given cell in the graph using mxGraph.resizeCell.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.resizeCell = function( cell, dx, dy, index, gridEnabled, constrained, recurse )
Sets the bounds of the given cells and fires a mxEvent.RESIZE_CELLS event while the transaction is in progress.
mxGraph.prototype.resizeCells = function( cells, bounds, recurse )
Resizes the child cells of the given cell for the given new geometry with respect to the current geometry of the cell.
mxGraph.prototype.resizeChildCells = function( cell, newGeo )
Specifies if the container should be resized to the graph size when the graph size has changed.
Specifies if resizing of swimlanes should be handled.
If the last element should be resized to fill out the parent.
If the parents should be resized to match the width/height of the children.
Specifies if the parent should be resized after the layout so that it contains all the child cells.
If the parent should be resized to match the width/height of the stack.
Specifies if the parent should be resized after the layout so that it contains all the child cells.
Use maximum of existing value and new value for resize of parent.
Called from cellsResized for all swimlanes that are not ignored to update the size of the siblings and the size of the parent swimlanes, recursively, if bubbling is true.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.resizeSwimlane = function( swimlane, w, h, parentHorizontal )
Boolean that specifies if vertices should be resized.
Returns the cell for the specified cell path using the given root as the root of the path.
resolve: function( root, path )
Resolves special keywords ‘inherit’, ‘indicated’ and ‘swimlane’ and sets the respective color on the shape.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.resolveColor = function( state, field, key )
Object that maps from keys to values.
resources: {}
Specifies whether or not values in resource files are encoded with \u or percentage.
resourcesEncoded: false
Restores the current state.
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.restore = function()
Restores the drawing state.
mxXmlCanvas2D.prototype.restore = function()
Inner helper method for restoring the connections in a network of cloned cells.
mxGraphModel.prototype.restoreClone = function( clone, cell, mapping )
Specifies the event name for suspend.
RESUME: 'resume'
Revalidates the complete view with all cell states.
mxGraphView.prototype.revalidate = function()
mxCellStatePreview.prototype.revalidateState = function( state, dx, dy, visitor )
Maps from from XML attribute names to fieldnames.
Reverse the port constraint bitmask.
reversePortConstraints: function( constraint )
Describes a rhombus (aka diamond) perimeter.
RhombusPerimeter: function ( bounds, vertex, next, orthogonal )
The cell to use as the root of the tree
Holds the root cell, which in turn contains the cells that represent the layers of the diagram as child cells.
Reference to the container for the SVG content.
Reference to the container for the SVG content.
Reference to the container for the SVG content.
Specifies the event name for root.
ROOT: 'root'
Inner callback to change the root of the model and update the internal datastructures, such as cells and nextId.
mxGraphModel.prototype.rootChanged = function( root )
Store of roots of this hierarchy model, these are real graph cells, not internal cells
Holds the array of mxCell that this layout contains.
Holds the array of mxCell that this layout contains.
Store of roots of this hierarchy model, these are real graph cells, not internal cells
The X co-ordinate of the root cell
The Y co-ordinate of the root cell
Rotates the current state.
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.rotate = function( theta, flipH, flipV, cx, cy )
Rotates the geometry by the given angle around the given center.
mxGeometry.prototype.rotate = function( angle, cx )
Sets the rotation of the canvas.
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.rotate = function( theta, flipH, flipV, cx, cy )
Sets the rotation of the canvas.
mxVmlCanvas2D.prototype.rotate = function( theta, flipH, flipV, cx, cy )
Rotates and/or flips the output around a given center.
mxXmlCanvas2D.prototype.rotate = function( theta, flipH, flipV, cx, cy )
Rotates this rectangle by 90 degree around its center point.
mxRectangle.prototype.rotate90 = function()
Hook for subclassers to implement a single click on the rotation handle.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.rotateClick = function()
Background color for rotated HTML.
Switch for rotation of HTML.
Adds the shape rotation to the given label bounds and applies the alignment and offsets.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.rotateLabelBounds = function( state, bounds )
Rotates the given point and returns the result as an mxPoint.
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.rotatePoint = function( x, y, theta, cx, cy )
Rotates the point by the given angle.
mxHandle.prototype.rotatePoint = function( pt, alpha )
Index for the rotation handle in an mxMouseEvent.
Specifies the cursor for the rotation handle.
Specifies if the bounding box should allow for rotation.
Specifies if a rotation handle should be visible.
Vertical spacing for rotation icon.
Specifies if rotation steps should be “rasterized” depening on the distance to the handle.
Hook for rounding the angle.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.roundAngle = function( angle )
Specifies if rounded coordinates should be used.
Hook for rounding the unscaled width or height.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.roundLength = function( length )
Hook for rounding the unscaled vector.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.roundLength = function( length )
Hook for rounding the unscaled width or height.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.roundLength = function( length )
Private helper function to create SVG elements
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.roundrect = function( x, y, w, h, dx, dy )
Sets the current path to a rounded rectangle.
mxVmlCanvas2D.prototype.roundrect = function( x, y, w, h, dx, dy )
Puts a rounded rectangle into the drawing buffer.
mxXmlCanvas2D.prototype.roundrect = function( x, y, w, h, dx, dy )
Routes the given edge via the given point.
mxParallelEdgeLayout.prototype.route = function( edge, x, y )
Array of vertices on each row
Array of x coordinate of rightmost vertex of each row
Array of rightmost x coordinate of each row
Array of x coordinate of leftmost vertex of each row
Array of leftmost x coordinate of each row
Array of y deltas of each row behind root vertex, also the radius in the tree
Strips all whitespaces from the end of the string.
rtrim: function( str, chars )
The API method used to exercise the layout upon the graph description and produce a separate description of the vertex position and edge routing changes made.
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.run = function( parent )
The API method used to exercise the layout upon the graph description and produce a separate description of the vertex position and edge routing changes made.
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.run = function( parent )